Direction et faculté
DR Massène Mboup
Chef d'établissement et Directrice pédagogique
Massene Mboup est le directeur exécutif de l'ILA. Il a commencé sa carrière dans une petite classe de village avec 81 élèves et aucun assistant. Il est ensuite retourné à l'université et a obtenu son diplôme avec une double spécialisation en anglais et en linguistique. Il a ensuite fréquenté l'École Normale Supérieure, obtenant un diplôme d'enseignement secondaire.
Depuis 1999, Massene enseigne dans la grande région de Portland à la fois à la Portland French School et à la French American International School. Son engagement unique et sa compréhension des besoins des enfants sont évidents dans ses interactions quotidiennes avec les étudiants, vous trouverez souvent des étudiants qui entrent dans son bureau en lui donnant un high five et un câlin, tandis qu'il distribue des autocollants et des éloges pour une bonne journée à l'école. . La passion de Massène est le football, la poésie et la narration pendant son temps libre.
Massene est diplômé de l'Université d'État de Portland avec le doctorat en leadership en éducation (programme et instruction).
Patricia Raclot
Patricia Raclot est originaire de France où elle a obtenu un baccalauréat en anglais et en français de l'Université de Metz. Diplômée en éducation de l'IUFM d'Epinal, dans les Vosges, elle enseigne depuis plus de 29 ans. Elle a une excellente vision et stratégie d'exécution pour toutes les méthodes d'enseignement utilisées à ILA, car elle est en charge du programme pédagogique d'ILA.
Patricia a des compétences exemplaires en leadership. Elle facilite et développe le partenariat avec les familles d'ILA. Elle gère divers projets à l’école et s’engage de manière unique dans la création d’un environnement d’apprentissage exemplaire pour les étudiants d'ILA. Patricia parle couramment français ,anglais et possède des compétences linguistiques de base en allemand et en espagnol. Elle aime la natation, le fitness , le modern jazz, la danse, le cinéma, la littérature, le théâtre, les arts visuels et la littérature française anglaise et américaine. Patricia est merveilleuse communicatrice et une fervente adepte d'ILA.
Elodie Wins
Professeur de CE2.CM1.CM2
After growing up in the Ardennes, Elodie went to Reims to do a preparatory class for the grandes écoles in the literary section. She then joined the Ecole du Louvre in Paris. As you can see, she is therefore passionate about the History of the Arts, Archeology, Museology ... Then, Elodie joined a European Voluntary Service in Finland. She worked in a Finnish primary school and college as a French teacher. Back in France, she did a MEEF master's degree (master of Teaching, Education and Training) and passed the recruitment competition for school teachers (CRPE). Elodie likes to play sports, she practiced fencing for 9 years and for 2 years she has been rowing. She loves the great outdoors, nature and outdoor activities. Her other big interest is the theater. Elodie enjoys making new discoveries and opening up to new horizons.
Carine Saad
Preschool Teacher
Madame Carine is French and mother of 4 children. Over the past 13 years, she has traveled extensively after her husband on international professional assignments. What Carine loves most about children is watching them grow up and learn new skills and knowledge. In 2011, she moved to the Philippines for 18 months and returned to France in 2013. She then had the opportunity to work at ILA and the family decided to return to Portland, their "home away from home" . Carine enjoys cooking, sewing, knitting and making crafts.
Nesrine Hamza
Pre-K Teacher
Madame Nesrine was born and raised in Algeria and arrived in Oregon in 2017. Nesrine graduated in French literature and taught French in high school for 4 years. She is passionate about the culinary arts and is constantly looking for new dishes and recipes to prepare. Nesrine also has diverse interests and enjoys traveling, discovering new spaces and new ways of life.
Cary Page
English Teacher and Assistant
Madame Cary est co-fondatrice d'ILA. Elle a une façon étonnante de communiquer avec les enfants, car elle travaille dans le domaine de l'éducation depuis de nombreuses années et se passionne pour la langue et la culture françaises. Cary a vécu à Paris pendant deux ans tout en étudiant la langue et la culture françaises, d'abord à l'Ecole de l'Alliance Française, puis à la Sorbonne. Son B.A. est originaire de l'Université du Delaware, où elle a également suivi des études en linguistique et en TESOL. «Même après tant d'années, les enfants m'étonnent toujours par leur créativité et leur joie de vivre, dit-elle. Ils me gardent optimiste pour notre avenir. »
Cary aime jardiner, écrire de la poésie et des nouvelles. Elle anime un groupe d’écrivains locaux.
Anastase Matendo
1st and 2nd Grade Teacher
Anastase was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo.He studied general pedagogy, graduated in Philosophy, in Theology and has a license in Project Management. These studies have allowed him to be an enthusiastic teacher with 19 years of experience in primary, and secondary education. He served as school inspector and ultimately as an assistant in university . Anastase is committed to creating motivating and collaborative learning environments that encourage social and emotional growth. He maintains an organized and disciplined classroom environments dedicated to student learning. Anastase is caring and demonstrates compassion to meet the individual needs of students . He has the ability to work well and to communicate effectively with children, parents, co-workers and supervisors.This is his second year teaching at the International Leadership Academy.
Chantal Bulambo
TPS 1 Teacher
Madame Chantal was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She obtained her bachelor's degree in general education at the Institut de Goma and studied at the Institut supérieur en gestion. She received a diploma in pedagogy in the most vulnerable children (MVC). She worked at the Kindergarten "le volcano" in Goma from 2001 to 2004, then taught 2 to 6 year olds at the Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service (TCRS) school in Tanzania from 2004 to 2010. In the United States, Chantal has taught at ILA for toddlers since 2015, as well as at the Atlas Immersion Academy from 2014 to 2015. Chantal Identifies the individualism of the child and develops a teaching program adapted to different learning styles . She maintains a productive learning environment by enunciating the rules of the classroom.
Michael Johnson
TPS2 Teacher
Michael's passion for education and early language acquisition began in Paris, France, while studying abroad and teaching English part-time to French toddlers. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in French and International Relations at California State University, Sacramento, Michael worked in management and people development for 2 years before deciding to move to Portland to pursue his passion for French. and to teach at ILA. He can converse in French. He knows that children learn a language through tone, intonation and grammar even if they cannot speak yet! On the weekends you can find Michael in Portland hiking, karaoke with friends, and hanging out in the amazing Portland Art and Drag community - we'll all learn together!
Samantha Ligny
Pre-K Teacher
Samantha Ligny was born in Ariège, in the south of France. She always wanted to be a teacher since her childhood. When she was 17, she left home to study at the University of Toulouse. She studied sociology, history, child psychology and educational sciences. After completing her bachelor's degree, she joined MEEF's master's program (Master of Teaching, Education and Training) and obtained her master's degree. During her studies, she taught at all levels. She then obtained the teacher recruitment competition (CRPE) of the Académie de Bordeaux. She likes students to give their best while having fun and learning.
Valérie Rogers
TPS 2 Teacher
Valérie Rogers est née en Lorraine, dans l'est de la France. Elle a déménagé aux États-Unis il y a 24 ans. Elle travaille depuis 15 ans dans le secteur de la petite enfance et possède une qualification d'enseignante.
Mme Valérie est mère de deux enfants. Elle aime l'artisanat et aime cuisiner différents plats de divers pays.
Nicolas Salter
Co Teacher CE1/ CM1/ CM2
Nicolas grew up in Madrid, where he attended the Lycée Français. From Francophile parents, Nicolas grew up with French expatriate families. He was immersed in French literature, history, politics and gastronomy. Nicolas moved to Hood River, Oregon with a knack for Surfing (Kiting) and cycling around Mount Hood. He has worked as a researcher for universities and for non-profit organizations. Nicolas led a political campaign throughout the state of Oregon. He finds his happiness in literature and loves to organize sumptuous dinners with his mother's recipes. He enjoys walking in the Columbia River Gorge and playing the guitar. His favorite writers are Maupassant and Stendhal. Nicolas defends the French education system and hopes to share its assets in return. He graduated from Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science obtained in collaboration with Sciences Po in Paris and the University of Oregon.
Colin Labelle
Kindergarten Teacher
Originally from Pierrefonds in Picardy, Colin obtained a bachelor's degree in foreign languages then a master's degree in international management. It was later that he decided to move towards teaching and then obtained his assistance from the CRPE. Colin is a musician and he enjoys sharing his passion with students through the discovery of instruments and through musical practice. He likes to be in front of vast natural spaces or in the kitchen to prepare good meals.
Nadia Labelle Ennadifi
Pre School Teacher
Nadia was born in Picardy. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in geography then a master's degree in cultures and heritage, she embarked on teaching and it was a revelation: she discovered a real passion! She wants to work with children and participate in the transmission of their knowledge by applying positive discipline. She has taught for 5 years in private establishments in the Aisne. Franco-Moroccan, she has been passionate about travel and foreign cultures from an early age, she has been able to discover more than thirty destinations around the world. She also enjoys music which she plays for leisure with her husband.
Lauren Wiam
Enseignant de 2e année
Lauren est passionnée de voyages et de nouvelles découvertes, elle est toujours prête à partir à l'aventure ! A 14 ans, elle quitte la maison familiale pour étudier le théâtre pendant 3 ans puis poursuit ses études de géographie en France et en Espagne dans le cadre du programme ERASMUS. Elle part ensuite dans les Caraïbes pour se former à l'enseignement, un métier qu'elle a toujours voulu exercer. Elle suit des cours à l'IUFM et obtient son diplôme en Sciences de l'Education en 2010. Après quelques années d'enseignement sous les cocotiers à différents niveaux, elle décide d'explorer le désert, et enseigne quatre ans à Abu Dhabi (Emirats Arabes Unis). Amoureuse des arts, elle affectionne particulièrement la peinture, le théâtre et la danse. Dans sa classe, elle aime créer un environnement rassurant pour que les enfants puissent s'exprimer librement, laisser parler leur créativité et apprendre en s'amusant.
Andréa Padilla
Professeur d'espagnol
Maestra Andrea Padilla est née au Mexique, León Guanajuato. Elle y a été élevée jusqu'à son adolescence, puis est venue aux États-Unis avec son père et sa sœur jumelle. Elle a déménagé à Hood River, Oregon en 2015 où elle a obtenu son diplôme d'associé en sciences humaines et sciences au Columbia Gorge Community College dans une petite ville pittoresque. Son immense passion pour l'enseignement de l'espagnol s'est développée en faisant du bénévolat à la St. Francis House dans une petite ville rurale à proximité. Grâce à des activités amusantes et des sorties sur le terrain avec les enfants de St. Francis, elle a compris qu'en étant capable de parler espagnol et anglais, elle était un pont entre deux cultures et communautés ! Après avoir eu le goût d'aider les enfants à entrer en contact avec leur langue maternelle et simplement d'enseigner les bases à d'autres qui ne l'étaient pas, elle a eu soif d'aider plus de gens. "Andy" est devenu un tuteur privé d'espagnol pour tous les âges - des bébés aux adultes - et a travaillé comme interprète pour plusieurs événements communautaires. Elle a également travaillé comme avocate pour une vie saine à l'hôpital Providence Hood River Memorial pour la communauté hispanique. Elle est passionnée par l'équité, la randonnée, la danse, l'exploration de nouvelles cultures et la dégustation de délicieux plats de toutes les régions du monde.
Enseignants du département
Geoffroy Krawczyk
Executive Chef
Geoffroy was born and raised near Antibes, France. Since childhood, his dream was to become become a chef. He was inspired by the cuisine of his mother and his two grandmothers. He was educated at Paul Augier Hotel and Tourism School in Nice, France. He then worked in several restaurants in Paris ... from very upscale (Restaurant Guy Savoy, 3 Michelin stars) to brasseries, before settling in Oregon in 2008. With his wife, they worked as consultants for a large company. health insurance, developing healthy recipes, making cooking videos and giving cooking lessons. He then became a stay-at-home dad with their son Ayden. The year 2020-2021 will be his third year as a chef at ILA. Chef Geoffroy has a passion for cooking tasty and healthy dishes from scratch with local and seasonal ingredients. He believes in the variety and diversity of foods to promote healthy eating and to develop the palate. He enjoys cooking to educate and interact with the children at ILA.
Jennifer Phillips
English Teacher
Jennifer Phillips was born in Glasgow, Scotland, where she studied art, wrote a thesis, and then graduated from Strathclyde University with a degree in Elementary Education. She taught at a public school in Scotland before moving to Italy, where she taught various levels at primary school in an English immersion school. Jennifer loves teaching English. She adapted the literacy program in various schools where she worked. She has also worked successfully as a private tutor for many children and adults learning English as a second language. In her spare time, Ms Jennifer enjoys making music, singing, going to the beach with her family, painting and traveling.
Blake Vigran
After School Care Director
Blake Vigran was born and raised in Portland. He grew up speaking French in the international school system and says the French language has always inspired him. Mr. Blake enjoys traveling and being exposed to new cultures and traditions. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing and golfing. Blake likes the enthusiasm of the students.
Pierre Burthey
French Teacher
Born in Marseille, Pierre spent most of his youth in Haute-Saône, in eastern France. After studying at the University of Franche-Comté, he obtained the status of teacher at the IUFM in Besançon. Pierre then moved to Germany to teach French to primary school students in Koblenz as part of an international teaching exchange program (OFAJ). After 4 years, he returned to teach in his native France, first in Montbéliard, then in Paris. In 2006, with his wife and children, Pierre moved to Oregon, where he continued to explore the beauty of the Pacific on foot, by bike and on motorbike, as well as while camping with his three children. Pierre enjoys volleyball, hiking and skiing, and has a particular passion for classical music and opera.
Christa Clament
Assistant Teacher
Christa Clament grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she spent summers at her grandparents' farm. Christa has also lived in Arizona, California, Louisiana, Washington, and now, Oregon. Christa earned a Bachelor's degree in French and Linguistics at Portland State University in 2010, and also, a degree in Associate Arts and a Certificate in International Studies from Washington's Clark College. In 2010, she completed an intensive study abroad program at a university in Angers, France, and received a certificate of French Studies. Christa has raised two boys, now aged 21 and 19. She was a stay-at-home mom until they were in elementary school, and then volunteered at their school for many years; she was president of the PTO for a year and responsible for the football team for ten years.
Recently, Mme Christa worked two years in a Portland French immersion school as a primary assistant and supervisor for extracurricular activities. Today, she lives in Lake Oswego, close to ILA.
Marc Bescond
Music Teacher